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暗色工装|2016年田中凛太郎Inspiration展会趋势分析暗色工装|2016年田中凛太郎Inspiration展会趋势分析这一关键主题在2015/16秋冬全球展会上风靡,实用和工装复古廓形在田中凛复古展会上也很值得关注。复古零工外套和拼贴法式工装单品采用暗色以及褪色的黑色调。地道的裂缝和修补处理凸显纯正格调,而经过改良的夹克则采用镶边处理,如领部和衣袖上的绳纹和包边。真丝飞行员夹克|2016年田中凛太郎Inspiration展会趋势分析真丝飞行员夹克|2016年田中凛太郎Inspiration展会趋势分析真丝和绸缎面料则是本届展会的主角,主要被运用于复古牛仔竞技衬衫和纪念品飞行员夹克。这些复古服装的设计灵感来源于越南和朝鲜战争、会员制赛车俱乐部、印第安偶像、摇滚乐队名称以及摇滚明星。设计和插图通常以刺绣形式出现在夹克后背以及前胸区域。CHIMAYO图案夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)CHIMAYO图案夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)Just like the Southwest influences trending at the show, there are also strong Native American references. The Chimayo jacket stands out on women, in beautiful bright colours with traditional designs along the front panels of the jacket. This is also a jacket rolling over from last year.纪念夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)纪念夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)1970s souvenir jackets reference the Vietnam War, geishas and Japanese motifs. Chainstitch and embroidered designs remain essential to the jacket. Classic bomber jacket details include ribbed collars, sleeve cuffs and waistbands. For a more girly appeal, pastels and pink colourways work best.工装夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)工装夹克|街头|2016年Rin Tanaka展会(英文版)Among its many archival garments, the show would not be complete without the workwear jacket and chore coat. These items are inspired by dust bowl and French workwear garments of eras past. Essential details include boro-inspired patch repairs, three-pocket styling and true blue hues. Clean tonal indigo-blocking on flap pockets and collars offers a contemporary approach.跨季卡车司机夹克|2016年1月美国地区女装零售清单(英文版)跨季卡车司机夹克|2016年1月美国地区女装零售清单(英文版)Despite the unusually warm winter having finally ceded to chilly January temperatures, retailers have shifted heavier coats to clearance at the back of store, bringing pre-spring deliveries to front of house. The trucker provides a key transitional outerwear option, especially worn as a mid-layer under heavier parkas and puffas. Double-denim looks continue to drive styling options, while patch and pin-embellished truckers add newness from a trend-led perspective. [秀场单品]2016早春米兰女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春米兰女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春米兰女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春纽约女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春纽约女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春纽约女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春伦敦女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春伦敦女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春伦敦女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春巴黎女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春巴黎女装发布会——牛仔外套[秀场单品]2016早春巴黎女装发布会——牛仔外套2016早春女装关键单品|丹宁|和服式夹克2016早春女装关键单品|丹宁|和服式夹克丹宁夹克以日本为灵感,在2016度假季展现东方风格。松散的造型以全球风印花图案与提花面料作为装饰,配以打结腰带。
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